Thursday, October 6, 2011

Trader Joe's refuses to do its part.

March & Rally at Trader Joe's Corporate Headquarters
Friday, October 21st ~ 12 Noon
Monrovia, CA
Two SFA staffers are currently living and working in Southern California to mobilize folks for the
Trader Joe's action — if you live in the area or have any contacts there, please let us know!
With more than $8 billion in sales last year, Trader Joe's is an emerging leader in the US supermarket industry. The company’s rapid growth is largely based on its ethical and progressive image.
But behind that veneer lies a disregard for human rights.
For decades, farmworkers who pick tomatoes for companies like Trader Joe's have endured grinding poverty and systemic human rights abuses. Today, hope is on the horizon, but Trader Joe's refuses to do its part.
The Campaign for Fair Food led by the internationally-acclaimed, farmworker-led Coalition of Immokalee Workers has sparked an unprecedented transformation in farm labor conditions. Corporations such as Whole Foods, McDonald's, Taco Bell, and six other food industry giants have committed to a strict, farmworker-designed Code of Conduct and to increasing wages by paying a premium for their tomatoes.
But Trader Joe’s has refused to seize this opportunity to be a part of the solution, responding instead to the just demands of farmworkers and consumers with slick public relations stunts – hardly the behavior one would expect from one of the “most ethical companies” in the US.
Join the movement for Fair Food!
Join Florida tomato pickers and their student, faith and community allies in a mile-long march from a Monrovia Trader Joe's store to their corporate headquarters. Participants will gather outside of Trader Joe's at 604 W. Huntington Dr. on Friday, October 21 at noon, then march east on Hungtington Ave. to the company offices on 800 S. Shamrock Ave. There, farmworkers will lead a creative action calling on Trader Joe's to support human rights for the men and women who harvest the tomatoes sold in its stores.
For info. about the march and rally, including carpools or vans from your area, contact or 510-725-8752

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