Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Tim DeChristopher moved to isolated confinement

Dear friends, allies and supporters of Tim DeChristopher,

You are receiving this email from me because you have donated to Tim DeChristopher's Legal Defense Fund in the past.  I want to ask you to help us stand in solidarity with Tim once again by participating in Peaceful Uprising's National Call to Action.  On March 9th, Tim DeChristopher was summarily moved to isolated confinement, we are asking all of Tim's supporters to take a few minutes and make calls to FCI Herlong, Bureau of Prisons office in DC and various Congressmen that sit on the subcommittee that oversees the BOP demanding that Tim be moved back to the minimum security camp from which he came.  Below is an email you can forward onto your friends, and you can find the full story and call to action details here.  

Thank you for your continued to support, 
Dylan Rose

Monday, March 26, 2012

Wisdom From a Farmer - Tony Ricci

We’ve been doing this a long time – this farming thing – and still there isn’t a single part of it that gets old.  I keep thinking that I’ve accumulated enough experience to know what to expect from one year to the next, but I’m always hit with the reality of a new spring.  As exceptional as this early season is, every year there is a morning that I wake up thinking I know exactly what I’ll be doing to orchestrate the perfect growing conditions for the next nine months.  By the time the day is over I’ve reverted to an infantile state that makes me wonder if I’ve learned anything from the previous 30 years.  Of course, I must have figured some things out because I’m still here.  Normally when someone asks me advice about farming my mind goes blank, my eyes glaze over and I have the overwhelming urge to cluck like a chicken.  For most people this is enough; they throw me a little scratch and go on their merry way as if they’d just consulted the Oracle at Delphi.  The general population is better off not knowing what it takes to stay in this business.  It’s like knowing that quantum physics has some very practical applications but who really needs it on a clear night as we enjoy watching the universe expand before our very eyes.  If there is a secret to being successful as farmer, it’s probably in the planning process; and there are as many methods as there are farmers.  Ours is simple and informal.  Every Friday night we sit down to eat pizza and have a few beers and fantasize about what sort of Eden we can create for ourselves.  By the time we retire we have not only solved most of the world’s most dire problems, we have also come up with some really great projects that are totally out of our economic reach.  Incredibly we have made most of those fantasies come true – with the exception of world peace, of course.  Who’s going to take a clucking farmer seriously anyway.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Consent of the Governed

Small Farmers, Toxic Sluge, Pigs and Corporations

DESCRIBING THE UNITED STATES of the 1830s in his now-famous work, Democracy in America, the young French aristocrat Alexis de Tocqueville depicted a country passionate about self-governance. In the fifty years since sovereignty had passed from the crown to the people, citizens of the new republic had seized upon every opportunity “to take a hand in the government of society and to talk about it….If an American should be reduced to occupying himself with his own affairs,” wrote de Tocqueville, “half his existence would be snatched from him; he would feel it as a vast void in his life.”

At the center of this vibrant society was the town or county government. “Without local institutions,” de Tocqueville believed, “a nation has not got the spirit of liberty,” and might easily fall victim to “despotic tendencies.”

Friday, February 17, 2012

Occupy the Food System!

Eric Holt-Giménez and Tanya Kerssen

In the past few weeks, the U.S. Food Movement has made its presence felt in Occupy Wall Street. Voices from food justice organizations across the country are connecting the dots between hunger, diet-related diseases and the unchecked power of Wall Street investors and corporations. See Tom Philppot's excellent article in Mother Jones.

This is very fertile ground.

US Social Forum

Subject: 2nd US Social Forum: Thousands Will Converge in Detroit to Promote Democracy, Diversity, and Justice

US Social Forum 2010
June 22-26, 2010 Detroit, Michigan

The US Social Forum is more than a conference, more than a networking bonanza, more than a reaction to war and repression. The USSF will provide space to build relationships, learn from each other's experiences, share our analysis of the problems our communities face and bring renewed insight and inspiration. It will help develop leadership and develop consciousness, vision, and strategy needed to realize another world.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

NATO Admits to Killing of 8 Afghan Children in Air Strike

The U.S.-led NATO force in Afghanistan has apologized for an air strike last week that killed eight young Afghan children. Local residents blamed NATO at the time, but it took several days for NATO to admit fault. Earlier today, NATO’s Communications Director General Lewis Boone confirmed the bombing and expressed regret.

According to the United Nations, civilian casualties in Afghanistan increased for a fifth straight year in 2011 from nearly 2,800 to more than 3,000.

Monday, January 2, 2012